Use "wriggle|wriggled|wriggles|wriggling" in a sentence

1. She wriggled her toes.

2. Apparently they wriggle around.

3. The eel wriggled out of my fingers.

4. She managed to wriggle free.

5. He wriggled uncomfortably on the chair.

6. The baby was wriggling its toes.

7. She took off her shoes and wriggled her toes.

8. Stop wriggling ( about ) and sIt'still!

9. Stop wriggling and sit still!

10. Really, it was one continuous wriggle.

11. 21 Keep still, and don't wriggle.

12. Has it started wriggling in your belly?

13. I wriggled into them, hoping something would rub off.

14. A large worm wriggled in the freshly dug earth.

15. Don't try to wriggle out of your responsibilities.

16. The worm was wriggling on the hook.

17. Don't let Tom wriggle out of helping you.

18. He had to wriggle his way out.

19. Don't wriggle your maggot in her face.

20. The baby was wriggling around on my lap.

21. 28 Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free.

22. The horses stirred restlessly and the limbs of the thorns wriggled.

23. And Bogeymen don't wriggle; that would be unseemly

24. She was wriggling on the seat with agitation.

25. The babies are wriggling on their tummies.

26. They managed to wriggle through the thick hedge.

27. She managed to wriggle out of answering all the questions.

28. They move Assonantly towards each other, but ‘Girl’ refuses to sit still: it wriggles free

29. I've got an appointment I can't wriggle out of.

30. How did he wriggle out of the awkward situation?

31. They were fidgeting and wriggling in their seats.

32. Stop wriggling and let me put your T-shirt on.

33. He is trying to wriggle out of his various domestic commitments.

34. He tried desperately to wriggle out of giving a clear answer.

35. With a wriggle, she managed to crawl through the gap.

36. That's when we saw you, wriggling in the road.

37. 8 She was wriggling on the seat with agitation.

38. He tried to wriggle out of it,( ) as usual.

39. Words were rising through the blackness like little wriggling golden fish.

40. After twisting and turning for a while, he managed to wriggle free.

41. She would die rather than roll her eyes and wriggle and blush.

42. It's noticed the wriggling tadpoles at the bottom of the leaf.

43. The ropes began to cut into her flesh, as she wriggled against them to avoid cramp.

44. A wizened little man wriggled through the line of soldiers standing guard.

45. With a wrench, Tug wriggled free of the Woman's arm and ran.

46. They circumvent waterfalls by wriggling through the sodden vegetation on the banks.

47. Why bother to wriggle out of accepting that Ecclestone was a fat donor?

48. The old skin breaks near the mouth and the snake wriggles out, aided by rubbing against rough surfaces.

49. He tried to wriggle round the man with money,but he failed.

50. I can't brush your hair if you keep wriggling all the time.

51. Holmes chuckled and wriggled in his chair, as was his habit when in high spirits.

52. We wormed and wriggled his way through to touch down and the rot set in.

53. These appear as human-headed wriggling forms, like massive maggots, created from ectoplasm.

54. They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms.

55. He clutched the child tightly as she again tried to wriggle free.

56. I managed to wriggle free of him and then to push him aside.

57. A monster eating a child does not just gnaw its head, but holds its wrists to stop it wriggling.

58. Synonyms for Bellying include bulge, convexity, gibbosity, protrusion, protuberance, wriggling, slithering, sliding, snaking and crawling

59. Synonyms for Crawled include slithered, wriggled, slid, snaked, wormed, crept, creeped, scrabbled, clambered and writhed

60. Professor Keller was curious about many things: why teapots dribble or how earthworms wriggle.

61. The smoke reached Amanda and made her sneeze; she wriggled under the blankets and Cormack looked down at her shoulder.

62. He promised he'd help me decorate, but now he's trying to wriggle out of it.

63. Athetosis is another characteristic of dyskinetic cerebral palsy, marked by slow twitching and wriggling movements

64. Winston wriggled himself sideways, and with a violent lunge managed to drive his shoulder between them.

65. In the Store there was always something to get behind or under or wriggle through ....

66. There must be something wrong with this machine,[]you can't wriggle out of it.

67. I watched her shuffle, wriggle and avert her eyes while we made stilted conversation about our lives.

68. So much so that she remembers trying to wriggle her face away from it without success.

69. The Government has tried to wriggle out of any responsibility for providing childcare for working parents.

70. Depending on the type of Botfly, it can take weeks or even months for the wriggling

71. When the can is reopened, in place of the original contents is a wriggling mass of maggots.

72. That snake, however, in all its wriggling, scaly glory, would never find its way into network fare.

73. 23 He promised he'd help me decorate, but now he's trying to wriggle out of it.

74. The tunnel was low and dark, but she managed to wriggle through to the other side.

75. Benny was staring intently at a large worm wriggling on the pile of damp earth.

76. The snake makes it wriggle so that the apparently disembodied filament appears to be some kind of succulent worm.

77. He wriggled around in her arms, then turned and butted his head against her shoulder, lightly but repeatedly.

78. The shear properties of polymers, however, are primarily determined by the wriggling, bending and twisting of the chains.

79. The crawling and wriggling carcasses had been the innocent victims of the chaos taking possession of their world.

80. It's your turn to take the dog for a walk don't try to wriggle out of it.